How the GOP Can Keep the White House, How the Democrats Can Take it Back

Media Contact:
Earl Ofari Hutchinson
323-296-6331 or 323-383-6145

Hutchinson answers will:

Race be the X factor for Obama?
The economy and the Iraq war be the winning issues for Obama?
They be the losing issues for McCain?
Blue collar whites, rural voters, white women, and Latinos support Obama?
Age hurt McCain?
The Democrats unite behind Obama?
Ultraconservatives unite behind McCain?
Inexperience hurt Obama?
There be an October Surprise for Obama?

In his forthcoming book, How the GOP Can Keep the White House, How the Democrats Can Take it Back , political analyst Earl Ofari Hutchinson contends that the issues that Democrats and Republicans battled over in 2000 and 2004 and the constituencies that they courted and fought over are virtually the same in 2008. Their contested constituencies are white males and females, blacks and Latinos, Christian evangelicals, young persons and gays.
The issues are the Iraq war, the economy, terrorism, health care, morality issues and immigration.

Table of Contents


1. Four More Years
2. The GOP’s Formidable Weapons
3. The Reagan Revolution Rerun
4. The GOP’s Male Testosterone Trump Card
5. Onward GOP Soldiers

Hutchinson tells what the Democrats have to do and who they have to appeal to win the White House. He tells what the Republicans have to do and who they have to appeal to to keep the White House. He presents a laser honed look at how ideology, money, the media, the political messages of the candidates, their effectiveness in rallying their constituencies, and finally the candidates themselves, will determine whether the Republicans will squander their chance to keep the White House or the Democrats will squander their chance to win it in 2008.

6. Make America’s Ills the GOP’s Ills
7. The Clinton Machine
8. Kicking the Iraq War Syndrome
9. It’s the Economy Stupid
10. Courting Minority America
11. How the Democrats Can Win
12. How the GOP Can Win
13. Postscript

Earl Ofari Hutchinson is a nationally acclaimed author and political analyst. He assesses the presidential race, the candidates, the issues, the impact of race, class, and age on the chances of Republican presidential hopefuls John McCain and Barack Obama in winning the White House. Hutchinson is the author of two recent books that analyze the past and present of presidential politics in
The Ethnic Presidency: How Race decides the Race to the White House And
How the GOP Can Keep the White House, How the Democrats Can Take it Back

Hutchinson has written extensively on race and politics in the:
Los Angeles Times
Washington Post
Christian Science Monitor
Chicago Tribune
Baltimore Sun

His featured interviews and comments on race and politics have appeared in:
New York Times
ABC's World News Tonight.

He is a frequent guest analyst on:
Fox News John Gibson Show
O'Reilly Show
Hannity & Colmes
Glenn Beck Show
PBS Lehrer Report,
NPR's Talk of the Nation
Various CNN News Shows.

He is the National Political Writer for New America Media and a regular contributor to:
the Huffington Post

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